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Friday, March 31, 2006


16 is SO Sweet!

Even though I continue to see improvement in strength & color, Amy’s been experiencing some sharp pain in her stomach. This isn’t happening continuously, but periodically and when it does, Amy has to do ‘Lamaze’ type breathing to get past it. Please continue to pray for God to show his glory in a miraculous way by healing Amy.

Sixteen years ago today, after 17 hours of labor, at 5:35 in the afternoon, Amy gave birth to a 6 lb 14 oz baby girl, we named her Brittany (meaning - strong, industrious, the helpful one). Amy and I had waited 4 years after we were married to start our family, but we were still young, naïve & dirt poor. Brittany was such a good baby, the very first night at home, she slept through the night until about 5:30 am when both Amy & I sat straight up in bed and said to each other ‘The Baby!’ and rushed into her room because we hadn’t heard a peep out of her, just to find her peacefully sleeping. Whew! What a relief! I am sure that every new parent looks for milestones in their child’s educational and physical development and I must have been the worst! At every turn, I’d ask Amy, ‘Hey! Should she be doing that at her age?’ I will say that I was truly amazed when one cold day when Brittany was 6 months old, I took her outside and the wind blew just hard enough to catch her little breath and when she breathed out she whistled! And I thought ‘See! I knew she was advanced!’ As Brittany continued to grow, so did her love of books and reading. My job at the time had me working mostly at night, so I spent my days reading, playing with play-dough and watching children’s shows like Sesame Street & Reading Rainbow (or as Brittany used to say ‘Bo Bo’). Brittany has always been our sensitive child and although at times she tries to hide her pain and tears & I want her to know that she always has a shoulder to cry on in me.

There are SO many stories we could relate about Brittany growing up; like the time when she was 5 and slipped on the embankment behind our apartment and landed smack in the middle of a mud-puddle and had mud from her face down to her shoes, but the point is this: Brittany, we LOVE you SO much and are SO proud of you. This is YOUR day and we celebrate & praise God for the precious gift he gave us in you. Please know that through life’s disappointments, pain & disagreements, we have and always will LOVE you. Thank you for being our daughter.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V


I just happened to stubble across your blog. I haven't read every post but quite a few. I started at the beginning and read some and then read some of the later posts.

I will be praying for your wife and your family. God Bless you all.
Happy 16th Birthday Brittany.
God danced the day you were born!!!Love the Penzkovers
Hey girl, you are so special! I have found you a great joy, and your smile always makes ME smile! Amy and Vince you guys have such a wonderful, caring, kind, and respectful daughter!
Your whole family is truly blessed, and I feel blessed knowing you all!
Angela "MC"
We love you Brit! Hope your day is special and wonderful. You are a beautiful girl both inside and out. I miss seeing you every week. You make us smile!
Love, the Cunningham's
Happy Sweet 16 ,"Pritti-Britti Girl"! ;)
** Psalm 31;19,21 says Oh! how great is God's goodness, to them that fear ,HIM...who trust in Him ....He shows me HIS marvelous kindness!
Britti, we know you are ,His child! Do you remember that ,Bible verse that talks about nothing separating us from the, L*ve of God ?!.(I'm still frightened of the darkness @ times) Just think of the hurricane victims that were w/out electricity.... for days!!!
But, never separated from His L*ve... NOT EVEN for 1 SECOND!!!!!
We pray that you will desire God's Word more+ more;+ as a result you will cont. to grow in your walk w/God this coming year!
xo Much L*ve+prayers!!! (call anytime!)
Uncle Randy+Auntie "Neice ;)
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