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Monday, April 03, 2006


A Prayer...

By my count we are 11 days down, 16 more to go! We are quickly approaching the half way mark in Amy’s treatments and we continue to trust and pray that the treatments will be successful. Amy actually gained a 10th of a pound back this past week, so we are thankful as that means she’s getting sufficient nutrition. As she continues to get her energy levels back, she wants to do more and more, but then pays the price later if she pushes herself too much by being wiped out for the next day. So, balance and moderation is what I will try and suggest.

Dear Lord, You are the Alpha and Omega, the Ancient of days and the Author and finisher of our faith. You are a sanctuary & shelter for us and strength to the needy in distress. You are the God of glory, God of glory, God of hope, God of love and peace. God of my mercy, God of my praise and God of my life. You are He that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek him and a God, that comforts those that are cast down. You are My Father, My deliverer, & My friend. My fortress, My high tower, My hiding place and my shield. My help, My hope & My refuge in the day of affliction. You are My King, My judge, My shepherd, My Redeemer & My God. You are Jehovah Shaddai (the God who is sufficient for the needs of His people) , Jehovah Jireh (the Lord our provider) & Jehovah Ropheka (the Lord our healer). You are the one and only true God, who is worthy to receive glory and honor and praise and above whom there is no other. Thank you for being these things and more. Thank you for being a caring God, who loves his children. Thank you for the caring group of friends & family that you have blessed us with. Thank you for the gift of our children and all the challenges, tears, laughter and pride they bestow on us. Thank you for Amy, Lord, for her love and compassion, for her patience and kindness and for the way she completes me. And most importantly Lord, thank you for sending your son, Jesus to seek and save the lost and to be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of a fallen world. Dear Lord please search my heart and remind me of any un-confessed sin in my life so that I may repent of them. Please help me align the desires of my heart with your will, oh Lord. Lord, you have said in the gospel of John ‘Hitherto, you have asked nothing in my name, ask and you shall receive that your joy may be made complete.’ And you have also instructed us in the book of Ephesians saying, ‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests..’ So now I pray Lord, and I ask for your healing in Amy. I cry out to you Lord and plead for you to remove or kill every cancerous cell within Amy’s body. That through her healing, you might bring glory to yourself. That Amy might stand as a witness to your great power and love. I pray for peace as we search for answers, strength as we whether this storm and courage to accept that which your will dictates. We would pray that you would heap blessings upon those who have & will bless us, your love and compassion shine through them Lord and without them, I do not know how we would make it through.
To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore. Amen

My brother has a son who is a Captain in the JAG corps and he is currently deployed in Iraq. Today my brother sent a picture to all of us siblings and CC’s Ryan as well. This picture showed a soldier down on one knee with his head bowed in prayer, the caption at the top of the page read: ‘The Task Ahead of You, Is Never As Great As The Power Behind You.’ And then at the bottom of the page, Ephesians 6:10 was quoted, ‘Be strong in Lord, and in His mighty power.’ So, what task or difficulty are you facing lately? And what or who are you relying upon to help and support you through it?

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

Well I guess I dont have to read my devotional today because I found it right here! Thank you so much for sharing Gods word always with us. You never know where you are going to get fed, and many times I find it in my friends lives. And here again I find truth and love, and all that God is right here in your blog. Thank you brother!
You guys are always in my prayers!
Love ya,
Angela MC
Thank you Vince for the blog, your updates and sharing. I second the motion with Angela MC. My devotional was right here too. Yesterday in church I could hear you and Amy's praises. Your beautiful voice when we sang above everyone else. Jesus has you all wrapped in his arms.
Love lots
Debby P.
P.S. Amy,you looked wonderful Friday. Thank you for sharing some of your time with me and for the hugs.
Love Deb
Hi... I was on the website for Rod Hinton, came across the sight last year........You guessed it, why would you ever dream someone would
do a search on PC unless we had reason.... My mom was DX on 06/28/05....And I also noticed you live in our area!! Baraboo!! My mom
and dad live in Prairie Du Sac. Mom was in great support of saving the Baraboo range, and now we carry on the fight for her! She went on
her big journey on 03/20/06, it's been 15 days now that she has passed and we all made it 269 days along with her and we were all
so proud of that!!!!!! I have never sent Emails or even given comments to all the sights I have ever gone on, just kind of living my life and
trying to learn from what others have gone though, and too scared to ever send anything to anyone. But when I had seen your note along
with where you live, it was like mom was saying.... START THOSE KEYS TYPING GIRL!!.... Please forgive me...I only wanted you to know
there is others out there, and close to home as I see! I thought mom was the only one, and now find out so close there were others. You
always hear about other cancers but this was the first I ever hear of PC... oh.. My mom was Nedra Askey 69, she passed on March 20th
first day of Spring! I know we had her obit on the Baraboo paper that week. I again, am very new at this and just wanted to let you know
I have added you both to my prayers and I know mom would have given the big thumbs up like she always did!

Marianne Gilbertson
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