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Saturday, May 06, 2006


Digging in the dirt

Well we did it! We worked in the yard most of the afternoon and am I tired! But it’s a good tired; the kind of tired that you’ve earned, where you’ve worked hard and know that you’ve accomplished something that you can enjoy for sometime to come. We spread mulch, planted some flowers along the walk, dug out weeds, planted a rose bush, pruned back some bushes and even swept it all up so it would be nice and clean. The one bad thing about it is the time went by so fast and we still aren’t finished! Next project…the garden!

Last night Brittany, Vinny, Hope and I went to Trevor’s middle school production of Rapunzel. It was a great production and all of the actors, crew and directors did a great job! Due to budget cuts, the drama program at the middle school has been eliminated starting next year, this very well may have been the last production we will ever see there; how sad that this has to happen. It is a great program that both Brittany and Trevor have been involved in during their years attending middle school.

Vince has coached Trevor’s baseball team for the past three years and now that Trevor has moved up to the Babe Ruth league, he is going to coach Vinny’s team. Friday, Vince accomplished the task of drafting 9 and 10 year olds on to his baseball team for this summer. Needless to say Vinny is very excited about his daddy being his coach.

As to how I feel today, of course I am tired, I feel like I’m always tired or I tire easily, whichever comes first. My back was bothering me a little bit this morning but really didn’t give me much trouble today. My stomach has been having some pains similar to the pains that were the precursor to me going to the doctor thinking it was my gall bladder.

This is my story as experienced and told by me - A

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