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Monday, May 08, 2006


Planting & Nourishing

Amy's been having some pain in her stomach for the past couple of days, it doesn't seem to be as bad today which we are thankful for! This pain may or may not be related to the tumor and it may or may not be related to the treatments (I like to think that it's related to the treatments and that it's an indicator that it's killing the tumor). Either way, it's not keeping Amy from getting around and doing things.

We had wonderful weather this past weekend and took advantage of it by working outside, as Amy stated in Saturday's posting. It was definitely work digging and laying down 450 lbs of mulch, but it's rewarding to stand back at the end of the day and survey the work that's been done. Now we have the responsibility of maintaining and feeding these plants and flowers. I only got irritated once during our project and that was when our dog decided to sit down right on top of a newly planted flower! She pretty much squashed it flat! Oh well.

All of us have seeds that God has planted inside of us. Seeds of ministry ideas, or of kindness to be shown to a neighbor, or of grace that needs to be shown to someone who has wronged you...the list goes on. These seeds can be any number of things that God wants to grow in you or even ask you to plant in someone else. But what if it's a seed that you don't want to nourish or one you don't want to plant? In Proverbs 3:5-6, God's word says, 'Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.' Whether God is providing the rain from heaven to water the earth making it bud and flourish, or He's planting seeds intended to grow new relationships that lead to life-long commitments, or He's giving us the words to speak which will allow the Holy Spirit to plant seeds in the lives of those we encounter. Whatever the seed we're talking about, God has full control of it. Trust Him and take the time to nourish and plant. I know it's hard sometimes, the seeds don't grow as fast as we want them to, or the weeds of life can come in and threaten to choke out the seeds and need to be pulled out, but if we persevere God will take those seeds and multiply them in such a way that your life will be richly blessed.

What kind of seeds have you planted lately?

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

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