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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Pre-Op to Pre-Trip

Here we are and it’s the night before our big trip. Most of the packing is done minus the toiletries which always have to wait until last. It took Hope along time to fall asleep because she is so excited. Thanks to all of you who have given us great tips on how to maneuver around the parks and what is a must see and what we should skip. It is so nice to have such great friends and family to support us on these endeavors.

I had my pre-operation physical today. You know the routine stuff weight, height, blood pressure, as well as my health history. Then I had to go give them more of my blood. I had a really nice guy who took 4 vials for me. When I told him that was enough he replied “We have to go all the way to the bone!!!” How rude! The things I have to do for those people down there. ;) We did find out that the surgery should take about 5 or 6 hours and that I will be in the hospital for 5 to 7 days. I will be so glad to be back home when it is over.

One of the funnies things about our Disney trip is something that I think should be shared with everyone. Hope has this beautiful nightgown set that is called a peignoir it has a picture of Cinderella on it as well and comes with a bed jacket to match. She got it at the Disney store in January and bought it with her Christmas/Birthday money. We gave her the choice of dolls and other toys but she really wanted that nightgown. Well she informed us she would like to wear it to the Magic Kingdom to show Cinderella. When I informed her that she couldn’t do that she replied okay we will just have to bring Cinderella back to our hotel to show her. That provided some laughter to all of us here. I hope that provided some laughter to you as well.

Thanks to Vince and the kids I was able to go out to supper with some friends this evening. One of the friends I hadn’t seen since Labor Day so it was great to reconnect and share some laughs. Thanks Kris, Tricia, and Mary for such a great time!

We probably won’t blog again until we get back. If we can find access to a computer though we will try to send something out about how our trip is going.

This is My story as seen and told by me - A

Have a wonderful wonderful trip and don't worry about a thing! Mom and I have it all under control.
Actuallly maybe you should worry alittle! Just kidding!! I actually saw mom out with Feliz this 6:30 am ! That has to be a record for her! She was still in her flower robe. I laughed, he he...I'm sure she's loving it!(If not I'll be lov'in it!!:) I'll have to send Alex over to check things out today! Tell Hope to say hi to Cinderalla for me!I'll be expecting a full report! Love B&L
Just checking to see how your day went today. You must be resting up for the big day after your big trip. :-)) I'll check tomorrow for news from today. Praying for you all. BW
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