Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Why...part 2
Amy woke up today complaining of back-pain. It could be caused from any number of things: The way she slept, working in the yard, picking up hope or carrying in a couple bags of groceries. We are starting to plan our vegetable garden (just a small one) and she is getting excited about the prospect of watching it grow.
In yesterday’s post, we looked into the heart of God and discovered that He does indeed care for us. He isn’t a bully with a magnifying glass leaning over an ant hill. In fact, He’s quite the opposite and if you have a hard time believing that, just look outside and silently observe the magnificence of His creation!
If God cares, then He must not be powerful enough to deal with all the evil and injustice in the world since it is still going on. So, is He a God that’s not all powerful? This question seems almost ridiculous considering what God has done: Created the heavens and earth (Gen 1–2:2), Delivered the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 5-12), Raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:43-44) as well as healing countless numbers of men. women & children. These are examples of events that happened in the bible, but even today, we are witness to the miraculous evidence of Gods power everyday! We hear or read stories about miners that have survived for more than a week in a collapsed tunnel or stories about people found adrift on the ocean for more than a week who are still alive or even of people who have been diagnosed with cancer and when the surgeon goes in to operate, he can find no sign that a tumor was ever present. For these, there can be no medical explanation. God chose to intervene…to provide a miracle…to reveal Himself and His mighty power.
This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V
In yesterday’s post, we looked into the heart of God and discovered that He does indeed care for us. He isn’t a bully with a magnifying glass leaning over an ant hill. In fact, He’s quite the opposite and if you have a hard time believing that, just look outside and silently observe the magnificence of His creation!
If God cares, then He must not be powerful enough to deal with all the evil and injustice in the world since it is still going on. So, is He a God that’s not all powerful? This question seems almost ridiculous considering what God has done: Created the heavens and earth (Gen 1–2:2), Delivered the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 5-12), Raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:43-44) as well as healing countless numbers of men. women & children. These are examples of events that happened in the bible, but even today, we are witness to the miraculous evidence of Gods power everyday! We hear or read stories about miners that have survived for more than a week in a collapsed tunnel or stories about people found adrift on the ocean for more than a week who are still alive or even of people who have been diagnosed with cancer and when the surgeon goes in to operate, he can find no sign that a tumor was ever present. For these, there can be no medical explanation. God chose to intervene…to provide a miracle…to reveal Himself and His mighty power.
This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V