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Friday, June 02, 2006


After surgery - Day 3

Amy started the day a little more tired than yesterday. The doctors wanted her to try and get by with less pain medication, but the pain in her back is too much, so they've put her back on the meds. I'm hoping that she'll be better after we return from lunch. I will try and write more later.

Amy slept most of the day and wasn't nearly as active as she was yesterday. While we went to supper, Amy had the nurse get her out of bed and sat in her chair for nearly two hours. She seemed better tonight and we just sat together, talked and played electronic Yahtzee. I plan on taking the kids to see her tomorrow, but I do not want to overtax her.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V


How many time have you heard and read the stories "The Little Engine That Could" and "Turtle and Hare" ??? I think that the "Little Engine" is your theme book. (I was informed that some of us don't sing) The lesson 'SLOW and STEADY wins the race' is speaking to you now. Take it easy, stay on top of the pain and move forward. It might not be as fast as you would like, but you're not driving, right?

Take good care my friend,
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