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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The forecast calls for more chemo

Amy had her follow up appointment today and had her staples removed. They said she looked good and that they were very pleased with the surgical outcome. She did find out that she’ll have to continue with Chemo starting on July 10th and it will go like this: three weeks on, one week off, three weeks on, one week off. I’m not sure how long her treatment will last, but if it helps ensure that she’ll be free of cancer, then so be it. She’ll have to travel once a week to Madison for the infusion and if any of you are willing to go with her, I’m sure she’d appreciate the company.

Do you worry? I know that I do. Now, I’m not talking about natural concerns that occur daily like if I remembered to shut off the kitchen light or if I did well on a test. What I’m referring to is worry as a failure to understand God's provision for us and His promises, failure to 'cast our care on Him', resulting in unnecessary anxiety or a disquieting and painful state of mind involving undue concern over something in life. Such worry always anticipates the worst, and leads to apprehension or anticipation of danger, misfortune, trouble, or uncertainty. Worry is a state of restlessness and agitation, producing mental disturbance, uneasiness, foreboding, anxiety, and painful uncertainty. Psalms 46:10 says ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ How can we do this very simple act of worship if our minds and focus are elsewhere? Worrying has whitened more hair, filled more lives with misery and has brought more people to an untimely grave than all the wars of the world and to what benefit? Not one iota of good has worry accomplished. It is a total loss. Can anything be changed through the act of worry? Can you by worrying stop an accident from occurring? Can you by worrying accumulate great wealth? Of course not! Matthew 6:27 says this ‘Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?’ So what’s the cure? How do we avoid this life stealing habit? It is in Jesus that the promises of God are yea and amen! There is no other Name but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that opens the door of God's treasure house and we cannot know Jesus Christ as our Burden-Bearer until we have first received Him as our Sin-Bearer & our savior. In John 14:6 it says. ‘…I am the way, the truth and the life, NO ONE comes unto the Father (God) except through me.’ In Isaiah 26:3 the prophet writes: ‘You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.’ Note carefully those words. God keeps in perfect peace the one whose mind is stayed on Him. Our difficulty is that instead of keeping our minds and thoughts on God, we keep our minds and thoughts on our troubles. When we do this, our troubles become bloated, immense and God seems so little. We need to reverse this process and keep our mind stayed on God, where He will appear as big as He truly is, and our troubles will dwindle to their true insignificance in comparison to God. Romans 8:28 says this: ‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.’ It doesn’t say some things, but ‘ALL things.’ The situations and experiences may not be good in and of themselves, but they will all work out for our good under the controlling hand of God. How wonderfully sweet are verses 38 and 39 in this same chapter! Here Paul declares that NOTHING, not death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things present, things future, height, depth nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God. Remember then that the love of God stands with us in the face of all possible harm.

At the heart of the cyclone tearing the sky,
And flinging the clouds and towers by,
Is a place of central calm.
So here is the roar of mortal things,
I have a place where my spirit sings-
In the hollow of God's palm. - Unknown

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

Vince, Amy, I would be honored to Drive Amy to Madison. Give me the dates. I am going to be unavailable for the last 2 weeks of July, and other than that I have no plans for August and beyond, I will gladly put them on the to do list! Love and Prayers, Janie
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