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Thursday, June 15, 2006


My value and that which I value

Ever since I told my boss that Amy had pancreatic cancer, she slowly began to reduce my work load by taking me off of or reducing my role in the projects I was involved in. This isn’t a bad thing and I know she’s doing it to help me, but at first it really made me think about the value I’ve been providing at work. Coming back to work for the first time since Amy surgery this past Monday, I actually realized exactly how worthless I’ve been in the past 6 weeks or so and it was like I was coming out of a thick fog. I was ready for new assignments, new challenges, new responsibilities…I was ready to get back to work. Yesterday, she approached me hesitantly about taking control of a communications project. I jumped at the chance and then later told her to feel free to send more projects/responsibilities my way, today she added two more projects and administration over a couple other items to my plate. I am SO thankful for my boss and her willingness to step up to be my advocate and for the support she has shown throughout this journey. Also to my workplace for the understanding and flexibility they have shown. It’s not always about how much a company can pay you, it’s about how they treat you and respect you.

Where do you place YOUR value? Is it in your work like me? In your kids or in the upkeep of your house? Maybe you place your value in your friends or family or a sport you love to play? Don’t get me wrong, there is value in these things. After all, God provided these things, these skills, these relationships. The rub comes when you have to make a choice, when you have to prioritize and actually have to choose what you value most.

God made a choice as well, He had to choose between His son and us…

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

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