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Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Pathology Results

This morning started out in a rush getting the kids up, keeping them focused on getting ready for school and actually dropping them off. My sister Denise had travled back to Baraboo with me last night so she could come to Trevor's baseball game and to spend some time with the rest of the kids before she headed for home today. We tried to rush down to Amy because we had yet to hear the results of the pathology report and we didn't want her to be alone when this was revealed. By the time we had gotten down there, Dr. Mahvi had already dropped by to see her, but the pathology report hadn't been returned yet. Amy said that she had a bad, pain filled night and I could see she was in pain when we first arrived. They spent a good share of the morning trying to figure out how to help her, but they finally did figure out how to help her and after that Amy slept for quite awhile. An afternoon filled with pain meds, hot pads, yahtzee tournaments and naps went past and we still didn't hear anything. I finally asked Amy's nurse if she could call Mahvi's office and see if the report was in yet. Finally at 7:00 tonight, the on-call Doc stopped by and reported that he had looked over the pathology report and that the lymph nodes and all of the margins showed absolutely no presence of cancer! He went on to say that this was the best outcome that they could have hoped for. He even went on to say that at Amy's follow up visit, we will discuss if future chemo treatment is necessary!

We can not thank God enough for His obvious healing hand in all of this! All glory and honor are His!

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! I KNEW THAT YOU WOULD BEAT IT. I can't tell you enough how much I love you and how very proud I am of you.
Praise be to God! What a testimony! Howard's we love you. I can only imagine what God has in store for your family. Love Janie
I was reading the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11 this morning and was struck with the shadow of Christ's love for us. Jesus obviously deeply love Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, and they obviously deeply loved their Lord. Jesus knew Lazarus was sick and yet he intentionally did not go to them for 2 days. At that point they were in dispair and grief for their brother Lararus had been dead and buried in the grave for 4 days. Jesus withheld himself and allowed them to pass through their terrible hour of anguish before he came to meet their need. The reason is not hidden "It is for God's glory so that God's son may be glorified through it."

The nature of God's love is revealed to us. The Lord's love is not the love of a indulgent parent who gives in to every whim of their child. Our Lord's purpose is not to make us happy, but to make us holy (Romans 5:3). We should expect that in his love for us that he will allow things in our lives that we, in our self-pursuit of happiness, we ourselves would exclude. Yet even in the shadow of his love there is always mercy. Our sorrows are shared by him; he comes to us in our pain. The end of it all is not only his glory, but also our good. There is no joy like the joy of holiness.

Praise the Lord for He is good His love endures forever,
Eric Newgent
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