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Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Back from wandering

Well, we've officially returned from our long weekend and while all of us really had a good time, it's always nice to be home again. We arrived in Waterloo around 3:30pm on Friday and following supper, all of us went to a Bucks baseball game (farm team). On Saturday, we attended Amy's Uncle Bob & Aunt Betty's 50th wedding anniversary mass and reception.'ve been praying for her regularly. It was also nice to see relatives who we haven't seen in quite some time. On Sunday, we went to church at Trinity Bible Church with my sister Denise. This is the church I grew up in and via Pastor Stoeze and vacation bible school, came to know Jesus as my personal savior when I was 6 years old. Again, many people who have been praying for Amy were able to connect with her in a personal way and play witness to the mighty works God has done. After church, we headed over to my sister Donna and her husband Dave's house where we had a small family gathering and ate lunch, laughed a lot and Cy, my oldest nephew, proposed to his girlfriend Dawn (congrats you two!). Sunday evening, most of Amy's family gathered at her folks and Dick grilled hamburgers & hotdogs. After supper, Dennis and I took all of the nephews (and Brittany!) and went to see Superman Returns. On Monday we had a lazy morning and then took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for a few hours over lunch. At 4:30pm all of us went to Betty and Bob's for our annual 4th of July reunion (yeah, I know it was the 3rd but close enough!). We ate and watched the kids play whiffle ball, we ate some more and watched the kids play basketball and oh yeah, we ate some more! When it got dark enough, Bob pulled out the fireworks and with the help of his son Tim; we had ourselves a very nice private (and safe!) display and to top the entire day off, Amy's nephew Blake, announced his engagement to his girlfriend Amanda (congrats you two too!). On Tuesday, we got packed up and on the road to Baraboo at about 11:30am. It's never easy to leave our families and given what Amy has gone through, it's been even more difficult. I am SO thankful for the love and support both of our families have and continue to show us. There isn't a day which goes by that I haven't thanked God for the blessing we have in our families. We ended our day with a festive potluck at Dave and Dianne's (friends from church) house and then watched the very nice fireworks display our city put on.
As you can see, we had a long and very busy weekend. We squeezed as much in and saw as many people as we could. For the most part Amy hung in there, she did take naps when she could and she told me that she dealt pain most of the time. Through some pushing and prodding, Amy did call her doctors today and discussed some of the issues with their nurses. Amy has an appointment with her oncologist next week, so, they will check out some of the issues at that time, but they did act quickly on one aspect and that was to prescribe a digestive enzyme for her. So, we'll see how that helps.

I know we were only gone for 4 1/2 days, but I think about the Old Testement Israelites and how they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before they were home. I can not imagine wandering even for a month, not calling any place home and they didn't even have the comforts of home that you and I have grown so accustom to.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

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