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Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Driving me crazy

Amy was quite tired today and rested a lot, but compared to how she felt that second day after returning to Chemo, this was MUCH better. Please continue to pray for health, strength (both physically and emotionally) and peace for both Amy and myself. We are both confident in God’s healing hand, but the path can be and is very exhausting.

OK, so Brittany got her permit to drive about 3 weeks ago and I’ve started teaching her how to drive. This past Sunday we spent about an hour in our church parking lot and I let her drive around, telling her to stay between the lines, using landmarks as stops signs and even had her practice head-in parking. At the end of our time, I asked her if she felt confident enough to drive the short 6 or 7 blocks home and after a second of thought, she indicated that she felt she could. She got us home all right and for the first time, she didn’t do to badly. For the past two days she’s been bugging me to take her out night driving and also to drive on 8th street so she can experience a multi-lane road. We go out at about 9:30pm and I have her take some side streets at first; up to 9th and take a right, down past Elizabeth to Tuttle and take a left, up to 14th and take a left. We eventually made it back to East where I had her take a left and head towards 8th street. At the stop light I had her take a right and after traveling for a few blocks, I asked her to make a lane change; she starts to but pulls the van back as the bright lights behind confuse her. The car behind her pulls around her and after it passes, I ask her to try again. This time she makes it, but slows down to about 10 mph while she makes the lane change, causing more cars to steer around her. As she checks her speed, she drifts to the right. As she checks her rearview mirror, she drifts to the right. As she turns on her blinker, she drifts to the right (mental note to self, she needs work on concentration as she has the tendency to DRIFT TO THE RIGHT!).

It strikes me that this might be close to how God feels with us. He’s the driving instructor and we’re his students on this road called life. At times we ‘drift’ off course and His Holy Spirit tells us we’re off track, but being that we’re behind the wheel, we have the choice to keep drifting and run the risk of going off the road into a ditch or correcting and getting safely back into your lane. He doesn’t grab the wheel and force you, He gently instructs, trusting you to make the right decision. The only difference with the spiritual ‘driving’ is you always have a safety net in Jesus Christ, He’s the ultimate in spiritual protection and He will always deliver you safely to the Father.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me - V

Do you remember the first time that mom took me driving? We went up to Central and she just had to work the brake first and then the gas. We almost ended up in Coffmans back yard. LOL. I remember that I did not take drivers ed until I was a junior as I really did not care to drive. I really still don't. Wish I could afford a driver. I remember driving to school with you and sara and you would drive but then all of a sudden you would get something in your contact and we would have to pull over and Sara would drive. I always had to sit in the back seat. Now that I think of it you and Sara were so mean to me. (just kidding). I hope that Britt does ok driving but I would be scared like no tomorrow. I guess when Maddy gets to that age maybe you can teach her and Hope together. Crack me up. Love you bunches, Bridge
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