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Wednesday, August 09, 2006



Last night about 6:15pm while lying in bed, Amy had, for lack of a better term, an episode. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, her jaw went slack and her body lost all strength. I asked her to focus on me and she could glance at me, but then returned to her eye rolling. I asked her questions and while she could answer correctly, she spoke as if she was ¾ asleep and she couldn’t squeeze my hand. I checked and she had a good strong pulse and good breathing. She fell asleep for about 15 minutes and when she awoke, the symptoms were gone. We talked about what happened and Amy said that she felt like she was ‘disconnected’ from her body. She was fine until about 9:30 pm when she had another episode. This time I took the choice away from Amy and called the UW Hospital. The on-call resident called back fairly quickly and after explaining fully what occurred, the resident told me, ‘Wow, that sounds concerning’ no offense to all the residents out there, but I quickly ascertained that this resident wasn’t going to be able to help me. I told her thanks, but I would try to get in touch with Amy’s local doctor. By this time Amy was feeling better again. Not really sure what was going on, we called my brother-in-law, who is a doctor, and by what we described, he thought that Amy might be suffering from dehydration and that she should be OK through the night and to push the liquids the next day. However, if the symptoms returned, we were to take Amy to the ER. Amy slept the night through and actually felt pretty good this morning.

At 3:00pm I had a Telecommunications Managed Services project kick off meeting, of which I am the project manager, when a co-worker interrupted the meeting and said that they needed me. I excused myself and Linda informed me that Amy had called and I needed to call her immediately. Upon calling her, I found out that she was feeling another episode coming on and she had talked to her local doctor and she told Amy to get up to the ER right away. I grabbed my stuff from the meeting, excused myself again and left. We were up to the ER by 3:45pm and once we were in a room, they started giving Amy intravenous fluids and took some blood for additional tests. Long story short, she was dehydrated and her white blood cell count was quite low as well. They sent Amy home with explicit instructions to drink 8 oz. of something like Gatorade or juice every hour. Tonight she seems much improved and the episodes have not returned.

O God, you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth…parched… lifeless and without water. I Worship the Lord with gladness; I come before him with joyful song. I enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; I give thanks to him and praise His name, for the Lord is good and his love endures forever!

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

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