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Tuesday, August 15, 2006



2 Timothy 4:17-18
But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen

Amy had her MRI follow up meeting this morning at 9:30am. We left about 8:30 and Amy’s mom drove us down, we stopped at the Kwik Trip in Sauk City to get gas, coffee and doughnuts. This stop put us a little behind, so Amy’s mom took it up a notch (or three!) and putting our lives at GREAT risk (just kidding), made it down there just two minutes late. Amy got called and all of us went back to the exam room. The nurse came in after a few minutes and checked Amy’s vitals and asked the normal series of questions that one gets asked when visiting a doctor (i.e. Do you have pain, Are you eating regularly, Do you have any trouble: breathing, sleeping, etc.) and then dismissed herself. Not too long after, Dr. M comes in and says, ‘How would you like a break?’ And in the literal split second before anything more is said, I’m thinking, ‘Break from what…Chemo? That can’t be good. Does that mean he’s taking her off chemo?’ He must have seen the confusion on all of our faces because his next words were, ‘How would you like some good news for a change? After looking at the images, reviewing them several times and going over them with a fine tooth comb, the radiologists are convinced that the spots on Amy’s liver are Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (this is the same type of spot they originally saw and I talked about in my very first posting dated 3/1/06. This is a benign liver tumor that occurs frequently and is often discovered incidentally. It occurs mainly in women and usually requires no treatment. The potential for complications is extremely low).’ After tears of relief and MANY praises to God, I asked him about the liver and lymph node issues and he said that they are attributing that to tissue that is inflamed/irritated by the chemo treatments. And I followed up with asking him about the ‘thickening’ of the area around where the surgery took place and he said that he has seen this happen before and can frequently be scarring caused by the previous radiation/chemo treatments. They are moving forward with her treatments as if nothing has happened and will continue to monitor these areas (CT Scans every two months) for any changes.

Thank you Lord, for once again proving that nothing is beyond your care…your touch…your control.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

Sing Praise, Sing Praise!!! Forever our God is faithful,,, Forever he is Strong, forever he is with us... forever and ever.

We sing praise for all of you!

Love The Penzkovers
I just read all about what is going on. I am so happy Amy that your family is there to support you we always need that. I really pray that your test will come out good. It has to be so hard on you all but I know it is on you Amy because you have to go through all the picking and probing which has to tireding on your body. Amy I do hope all of the prayers that are going up for you will bring you through all of this. I will close for now if your mom is still there say hey to her
Hi, Vince!
Rejoicing with you as we have heard your FANTASTIC news! What a fabulous blessing! So very glad to hear how the Lord has answered our collective prayers and blessed our beloved Howard family!
Love to all of you,
Terri Hamilton
I am soooooo happy!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!

I sure hope you are celebrating:0)

It is so wonderful to hear the awesome news.

Kathy Teasdale
Vince and Amy,

What awesome news. Did you hear the whoopin, and hollering, and praising the Lord all the way to WI.?
Will continue to pray for added strength and guidance as Amy continues chemo and figures out a new way to eat for her newly aquired body.
Don't give up honey-YOU ARE A WARRIOR and more importantly A CHILD OF THE KING!!!!!!!
We love you all.

Dave, Donna, and Rose.
I've been following your progress closely and I sit here with tears in my eyes because of the news that your received today. WOO HOO! I know your not out of the woods yet, but doesn't it feel wonderful to have at least some good news for a change. I know with my hubby's problems it's always nice to hear something positive.
Keep the faith and if you want to scream and holler and not be very nice give me a jingle and I'll listen. What're old friends for? LOL You can't put on a smiley front forever.
Love Ya
Michelle Mason
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