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Monday, August 07, 2006


Scan revealed

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you’ve dreamt about it? That you’ve imagined yourself using it, wearing it, seeing it or maybe even eating it? You wanted it so badly that you’d scrimp and save, even sacrifice…possibly do anything short of illegal to get your hearts desire? What would you be willing to do without or sacrifice? I have never wanted something as badly as I want Amy to be cured of this cancer. I have dreamt that the doctors were mistaken and it was just a cyst or that when they opened her up for surgery that the tumor would miraculously be gone. If it were possible, I would even sacrifice my own health and take this for her if I could…but they weren’t, it wasn’t and I can’t. Today Amy saw her oncologist to review the results of the CT Scan she had last Friday. As I have stated in a previous posting, this scan was taken in order to obtain a baseline to be used as a comparison to future scans. Instead, they told her that there appears to be some abnormalities, but they are unclear as to what they are, but there are some concerning factors. The liver has a 'fattened' appearance and some nearby lymph nodes are enlarged. Also, there is a thickening around the area where the tumor was, but they can not tell if this is from a return of the tumor or what they called 'focal fat cells' or scar tissue. He said that getting a different look (via MRI) would reveal if there's a tumor on the liver. They have scheduled an MRI closer to the end of this month, but I have asked that they not wait that long and see if they can get her in this week yet. He did go on to say that he has seen these types of scans go both ways, meaning that the original scan might appear to contain bad news, but upon obtaining a better image (via MRI), it shows all clear, or it clarifies what was originally thought with a bad result. So, all of this to say that they see things that raise their caution and their course of action is to look closer.

Psalm 34:1 I will extol the LORD at all times, his praise will always be on my lips.

In the face of this, God hasn't changed. How could He? He is who He is, who He was and who He always will be and as such is still worthy of my honor and praise.

Amy and I felt very devastated initially by this report, but as I have read and re-read the report, I can see where God has provided a path that still leads to hope. I find myself yet again in a place where I have to keep my eyes upon my Lord and savior, stay on the path provided and shut out the sneers and whisperings of the prince of lies. Pray for us please…pray for Amy as this was another blow to her resolve and she’s getting tired of fighting the battle.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

words can't express what I felt when I read today's blog, but my prayers are with you and your families. God bless!
Vince and Amy,
I was gone on vacation for my 25th Wedding Anniv. and just came back and the first thing I had to do was to read all the update on Amy. I kept praying and have never asked the Lord for so much as when mom was fighting her PC. Mom knew about Amy, and made me promise in her last days to keep your family in my prayers. I wanted you and Amy to know you do not walk this journey alone, we are all the stone on this path you walk, we carry your hurt and tired souls on our hearts, like a thousand stones on a path. I had told you about the Sauk Prairie Relay for Life, we have a team for mom "Nedra's Petal Pusher's". We will walk in honor of the strengh each PC family needs. I will pray for Amy each mile I walk on the path. I will have a candle also in Amy's honor, her light of love for her family. I read the Wednesday note and could not believe you had others on your mind and heart in prayers, at this time. You are a true gift, and I live each day to read your notes. I find prayer at times is the only thing I can do that brings peace. Both mom and Amy are teachers, yet again they are teaching us, strength, and keeping the face to the sun, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Please take care, breath, and find peace, knowing you are both doing everything right and the very best you can.
Amy and Vince,

I pray for God's healing hands to be upon you. I pray that He continue to give you strength and courage. May you seek peace and refuge in Him. I love you all!
Dear Vince and Amy: May the strength and healing power of our Lord shine upon you, give you peace, resolve and strength. Please know that you are in our prayers, all of you.

Love The Penzkovers
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