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Thursday, September 07, 2006


Are you ready for some...

Today was much better for Amy, her stomach is sore, almost as if someone punched her (and no, I didn’t!), but she spent all evening up and out of bed. The fact that tonight was the first televised regular season NFL game, I’m sure had nothing to do with it! I have never seen a woman love sports like Amy does! She’ll watch basketball, football, baseball and golf. When the Olympics is on, she’ll be glued the T.V. for 14 days and sometimes will even stay up late into the night to watch an event that she’s particularly interested in (during the last winter games it was Snowboard Cross). Amy has even gone so far to say that if she had to choose a second career, she would have loved to have been a sports announcer. Can you imagine that? Knowing my wife, I KNOW this is what it would sound like, ’…yes John, but have you ever noticed how Payton, OH!......OH! OH! OH! Did you see that! Did you see that! YES! YES! YES! WHOO HOO! YES, I’M READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!...Um, ahem, Amy Howard reporting…back to you John.’

Oh how I love that woman!

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

I watched some of the game night. Steelers did play the 2nd half better I thought. The one touch down he was out of bounce but the Miami coach did not put that flag out soon enough. Hello put the flag out there right after the play you should not wait. You know we are going to have to bet on the Packer Bear game. Hopefully my Bears will do good again this year. We can bet Road House again. So glad you are feeling better. Love you bunches, Bridge
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