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Friday, September 08, 2006


He is for us!

Well, the pain came back today. Sharp, stabbing pain in her stomach…it got so bad that she called her mother crying. I don’t understand how the treatments can be relatively side effect free one week and the next they beat her down to the point where she can barely get out of bed. It’s difficult living like this because if she goes one or two weeks feeling pretty good, we start to feel like maybe the worst of it has passed and maybe, just maybe we can start putting our lives back together. Then a bad week comes and BAM! Maybe we should know better, maybe we shouldn’t allow ourselves to think the worst is over. But that’s not us, to me that would be tantamount to succumbing to the dread and fear. In Romans 8:31 it says, If God is for us, who can be against us! Think and meditate on that truth a moment…If God, our creator (having more power and having more knowledge than anyone or anything at any time and any place…ever or ever will be), is rooting for and cheering for us and is on our side, who could ever hope to come against or appose us and even think they stood a chance. As far as I’m concerned, we WILL look for the good in all of this, we WILL take the good days as they come and rejoice in the Lord for them and we WILL persevere through the worst days and praise our Lord for being there and carrying us through.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

Oh,how He carries us all!! We must remember to give it all up to Him-our hurts, heartaches, pain, & our love & praises. Thank you Vince for your wise words & reminders. Love you Amy! Hang in there! I will keep your family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing with us through the blog.
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