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Saturday, October 14, 2006


An outing

We went on a little outing today; Amy, Trevor, Vinny, Hope and I all went to the library. I had a few movies that had came in (House of Wax, the original with Vincent Price and the Weather Man with Nicholas Cage)and Amy was picking up a few books that Brittany had ordered and had also came in, but we spent most of our time downstairs in the Children's Library. Vinny was off looking for new Star Wars or robot books and Hope chose a few American Girl books and a book about a pasta maker, become unlikely hero. This book, Amy sat down and read right away to Hope. Amy used to read to our kids almost daily and it was nice to see her doing it again. I sat back and began listening to her retell the story, but I soon found myself listening less and watching more...watching Amy smirk at a particularly humorous circumstance...watching Hope's eyebrows rise or a smile spread across her face as the words that her mother was saying revealed what her eyes where seeing in the pictures on the page. I watched too as other children, hearing the telling, stopped to look and to hear. I watched Amy, ever the teacher, and she literally glowed as she was fully in her element.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

What a memory! Done with so much love. God Bless, Prayers always. Love you all, your cousin in phoenix.
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