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Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I'm not done...

God is a specialist when the anguish is deep. His ability to heal the soul is profound! But, only those who rely on His wounded Son will experience relief…

This morning Amy had an appointment to get more fluid withdrawn and got up to get ready before I would have to leave for work. I helped her into the bathroom and into the shower and waited patiently while she cleansed herself. As she shut off the water, I went to grab a towel for her when she said something about her legs and just that quick…she collapsed in a heap in the tub. She was less than 2 feet in front of me and I couldn’t even help her and if it weren’t for her falling straight down (and God’s protection), she could very well have careened off the wall of the shower and crashed onto the lip of the tub…that would have been VERY bad. Amy was in the tub on her knees and barely had the strength to keep her body from falling backward. I climbed in behind her and tried simply muscling her back into a standing position…this failed miserably as her legs had absolutely no strength and she was just dead weight. By this time, her mother had come in and the two of us still could not get her back onto her feet. Finally, with Brittany’s help, we got Amy up onto the edge of the tub, swung her legs over the lip and lifted her into the wheelchair. Amy’s fortunate that she wasn’t more seriously hurt, but I’m certain she’ll be quite stiff and bruised.
On the way to Madison, we called ahead and asked if Dr. Mulkerin could see Amy today as we wanted him to be aware of her fall, the nurse said that she would check and get back to us. It wasn’t until Amy was just starting the pre-Paracentesis process that they called and said that Dr. Mulkerin could see Amy in about 30 minutes, if she could make it then. So, we got Amy back up and into the wheelchair and took her to see Dr. M…When he came into the room, he asked a battery of questions like, ‘how well have you been eating’, ‘any vomiting’, ‘how are your energy levels’, etc. He then went on to say that despite last weeks reports that she was eating well, it’s obvious by looking at her that she’s malnourished and that she’s been on the blood thinners long enough now that we should have seen results of her improving…but we haven’t. Instead, we have seen evidence of the opposite; weak, malnourished, can’t stand on her own, dehydration, etc. These are all signs that the cancer is back and that with the weakened state that she’s in if she were to have a medical incident, it would be life threatening. I asked him to define this and he said that it could be as simple as a cold or another fall to a virus or infection. Amy’s mom asked what about putting her back on chemo and he said doing that would kill her. I then asked him for his honest, trained assessment of the time he thought she had left. He thought long about that and said that looking at her rapid decline and the fact that she hasn’t gotten any better, he thought a major medical event could happen in two weeks. I then asked him what if she didn’t have a major medical event, how long? He thought about that again and said that she could see Thanksgiving, but more than likely, not Christmas.

I’m not done
Not done running my fingers through her hair
Not done smelling the sweetness of her skin
Not done touching her smooth, soft cheek
Not done snuggling in and holding her close
Not done laughing and playing silly games
Not done walking the dog together late at night
Not done sitting and just chatting
Not done having our quite time together
Not done kissing the nape of your neck
Not done feeling your cold feet on mine
Not done growing old with you
I’m not done loving you

After we got home, we gathered the kids into our bedroom and told them the news. This was the single most difficult thing I’ve ever done. How do you tell your kids that their mother won’t see them graduate or go off on their own? How do you tell your kids that their mother won’t see them married or see her first grandchild? There were many tears…it’s just SO difficult.

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

I love you, MOMMY!!!! and thank you, Daddy for being so strong. Just remember, "Our God is an awesome god, he reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love. Our God is an awesome god." God knows our needs, Mom's needs, and will fully take care of them. God's will will be done. Whether it be bringing her home, or healing her forever.
We love you all so much. Yes, Brittany, our God is an awesome God!!!! Your strength, your faith and love for our Lord will get you through anything. You have given us all hope with all of this. When our faith is faltering we have been able to look at all of you!
Thankyou Vince Amy and kids.
Our love for you is forever.
The Penzkovers
Vince, Amy and kids,

May God bless you indeed. I'm praying for you today.

Love, Gertie
I posted on the wrong one I will do it again. Two things:
1, Steve has many Gate Belts, to aid in transfering a person who is fragile. You are welcome to one or two.
2, Steve is a C.N.A. and has asked me to let you know that if you ever need help, time out, or what ever we are more the happy to come over and help. Just give us a call. We know you have family around, we just want you to know that we care.
Amy, we love you keep fighting and we will keep praying.
Teri & Steve U.
I am so unbelievably proud of this family of warriors.
...holding high the shield of
...wielding with great skill the sword of truth.
...displaying the belt of righteousness.
...feet shod with the Gospel of Peace in the midst of a down and dirty bloody battle.

Dear God...I am proud of this family. People didn't like President Bush's admonition to "stay the course" but that's what I pray you'll be able to do. Stay the course. Stand!
Those who stand beside you sense strongly the honor of fighting with such powerful warrior princes and princesses. (not just feel good words - reality)

In His Name...P. Dave
Know that we are praying for what God is doing!

We wrap our loving arms around you right now.
Know that we are praying right this very minute for what God is doing in your life.

We are wrapping your whole family in our arms and praying for you.
Know that we are praying right this very minute for what God is doing in your life.

We are wrapping your whole family in our arms and praying for you.
Amen Brittany - Amen!!!
Dear Vince and Amy,

We are so thankful that God has allowed us to share in this journey with you. It has been our privilege to serve your family and our joy to have you as part of our lives! I missed Amy while visiting our family in IL and TX. I look forward to having more time with her as God allows it. You've been a wonderful testimony to those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Thank you Lord for each additional day you give Amy and Vince together with their children and other loved ones. We give you the praise for all you've done and all you will do in the months and years ahead to and for the Howard family. We love you Almighty God, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Amy, Vince and Family,
i am so proud of Brittany - to see such faith and courage in a young person is phenomenal and inspiring. i think she and the other kids have wonderful mentors who teach them (and so many others) about our Savior. My heart aches for all of you and please know that we are holding you in prayer while He holds you in his hands.
We love you all,
Paula, Kevin and Family
You and your extended family are all in our thoughts and prayers! Your faith will carry you through these difficult times. Cathie U.
I have no words to say... We are all thinking about you and your family. I know you have alot of people in and out of your home now, but if there is anything I can help with please call me.

Deb Zalewski and Family
It seems seconds ago we were all in Cedar Falls watching two kids grow...Now our families have been blessed with more children...What a wonderful gift we have been given. It is in our children that earthly success lies, but through having Children, God is Pleased - for all Mothers await a special reward! Eyes have never seen, nor ears have never heard! It is merely seconds and we will all be together...Love - your Brother in Christ - Kevin
Dear Brittany...You are such a strong, beautiful, sweet caring girl! And I love you to pieces! If you ever need me, you call me and in a heart beat I will be there... ALWAYS ALWAYS!
And Amy... Things I wanted to tell you, but never did.. you made me laugh so many days, and throughout my times of knowing you. You inspired me to be a better mom, and a "real" mom.. you are so real to me.. and I can only hope to be the kind of mom you are! You are sweet, compasionate, and caring.. You looked after my boys, and saw them as something more than just a single moms kids.. I needed that, and I am thankful for you! You will always live in my prayers, and if you go home before me, I will miss you greatly!
I love your family, and joy you have brought to my life. Thank you for that... and thank you always for your constant love for His kingdom, especially during this time, when I know it hasnt been easy. You have been a light always shining brighter than the sun!
With much love,
Angela "MC"
"Because He (the Lord) bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe.” Psalm 116:2 (Living Bible)

The Creator of the universe takes the time to give each of us His personal attention as He bends down to listen to my feeble prayers? Incredible. Amazing. What an awesome God we serve.

We pray today that you clearly sense that God is bending down to listen to your every word.

We love each one of you...
Dear Amy,
Wish there was something to do that would change the course. Many prays and thoughts. You have had lots of family around, and not sure what the needs are. Please know that your church family will always be here to love and guide your children. Your journey has been an amazing testimony of faith. Love Susan T.
Amy, your love and kindness was always such a huge inspiration to me. Now your peace and strength during such a heartbreaking experience has literally moved me to tears. Know that you will always be in my heart as the sweetest most caring woman I have ever known. You are the very embodiment of Christ's love and I can't blame God for wanting you with Him, for you will glorify the heavens with your very presence. I am praying for you and your family.
Dear LORD, please give this family YOUR comfort when they hurt, YOUR peace that passes understanding when they wrestle, YOUR strength when they are weak, YOUR hope when they despair, YOUR truth when they question, YOUR love always. Yes Father, I know that you have already given all of that and SO much more through your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for all of your promises. I lift up this precious family to you and ask for your perfect will to be done. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
This entire blog has been a revelation of this entire family's steadfast faith in the risen Savior, ever since Vince put the blog into existence last March. Brittany's entry is another awesome reminder that God is revealing Himself in the wake of this very sad event.

To those in our audience who may not know Brittany - trust this from one who does know her: This is a 16-year-old teenager who is not being coached or coerced into any of the views expressed in her blog entry. Each word is the word of the Holy Spirit being channeled through Brittany. This is what it is all about - God revealing Himself to all of us by using this ordeal for His glory. Brittany is 110% correct - God's will WILL be done. Regardless of the outcome, we will stand firm in the promise of eternal life that only He can give to those who call Him Lord, and have placed their lives completely in His hands, and have accepted Him fully in their hearts.

Brittany - Uncle Dave and Aunt Donna love you and all of your family SO much! Thanks for reminding us what "steadfast faith" looks like.
Dear Amy and family. Our family is praying for you. We've spread the word throughout the Archdioses of Dubuque. God hears you and loves you. Please find strength in God's grace! We know not the day or the hour. God bless you all!

Doug and Paula Moore
Vince, Amy and kids,
It was extremely heartbreaking to read the blog today. You are in our thoughts and prays as you go through this, we can not imagine your torment. You are one crazy lady with a heart of gold, you have made us smile so many times...........I wish we could do the same for you. May God grant you the strength to guide you through whatever path he has chosen for you. God Speed.
The Craker's
Dear Amy and Vince,
I want to give you hope and inspire you with what God has done.
Your statememt I'm not done... is true, but it is not done, it is done already for you. By Jesus, it has been done.

I was reading a book called Hung by the Tongue, which told me, what you say is what you get.
We kind apply this to God's word.

Prob. 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he. This a spiritual law or truth. And Matt 6:...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What have we been filling our heart with? So what you speak is important. God made a big deal out of what he spoke.

1 Peter 2:24 his stripes you were healed. It is a spiritual truth that we can claim. He provided it for us. It is already done. What we have to do is have faith in that truth. Just as we have faith in salvation, have faith that he provided healing too.
Salvation is already done. Healing is already done. This is Grace. Eph 2:8

Faith is believing in what God has already done through grace.

Mark 11:23 says, if anyone says to this mountain, go throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen it will be done for him,... this is applied by faith. Your mountain is the cancer. Speak to it and tell it to leave.
The thing is what are we saying, are we speaking what the doctors says or our we speaking what God has promised us by Grace. Do we claim death or life.

Philemon 1:6...that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.
This verse is saying that when you speak of the things which Jesus has already done for you, your faith becomes effective. Speak them.

As a believer you have been brought into his kingdom and part of that kingdom is here on earth, in this present time, and Satan will steal, kill, and destroy your kingdom, Matt 11:12 ...the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Fight by back, resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Take authority over him and let him know that this sickness will not control your body and that Jesus has is in control of your body Gal 2:20

In Grace,
Wow, after reading Brittany's comment, what else can be said. God has blessed Brittany with wonderful examples of his love - her parents.

I pray that you will feel the comfort of the loving embrace of God. I pray that you, Amy will feel the comfort of God's presence and that you Vince and family will also feel his presence and strength. I am moved by your faithfulness. I pray for your strength and courage daily. May God abundantly bless your lives.

A Columbus classmate
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