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Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Mark your calendars!

Amy is filling up with fluid again and her mother will be taking her to get drained tomorrow. While there, they will ask about putting in a shunt so she doesn’t have to go in every 5 days or so. We met with a person from our local Hospice provider this afternoon. It was informative and I can see where some of the offerings can/will be beneficial, but she made it plain that their approach was strictly palliative with the focus on keeping Amy comfortable and to provide nursing services…not curative or treatments to prolong life. They were careful not to say that Amy was indeed terminal, but it was obvious that their purpose is to make a person comfortable until the end OR until the person recovers enough to no longer need their services.

Now, some friends and family have coordinated an effort to raise donations to help offset Amy’s medical expenses. The first of two events will be held on NOVEMBER 16th, 2006. Pizza Huts in Waterloo/Cedar Falls, Iowa and Baraboo, Wisconsin have generously agreed to donate 20% of all proceeds for that day in support of Amy’s battle against Pancreatic Cancer. Eat-in, Carry-out or Delivery, it doesn’t matter. In a few days I will post a coupon/flier and this flier must accompany your order on Nov 16th in order for Pizza Hut to know if an order is in support of Amy or not. It’s important to know that all funds do not go directly to Amy and I. Rather, they go to a firm that manages trusts and funds of this nature. So, if you’re so inclined, spread the word!

Thank you for your prayers, your kind thoughts and your support

This is Amy's story as seen and told by me – V

Pizza Hut fundraiser Nov 16(Thursday) in Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa is a great idea!! We will definitely participate and rapidly spread the word!!!! Praying God does answer in an Eph 3:20 manner.

Love and prayers to all of you
Vince and Amy
Let me pass coupons out at school. If you get me one copy-I'll make the rest for our school. If there is any way I can help with this fund raiser or any other need you need. Please let me know. Jodi
Amy and Vince and family,

Wanted to let you know we will be eating Pizza on Thursday, November 16. And we will be thinking of you all. I have made copies of the flyer and plan on taking it to work this week. Vince I ran into your sister at WalMart yesterday and we have a nice chat. Amy please know we are praying for you and think of you everyday.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann Jennings and family
Vince and Amy, Steve wants to know if you would like a "gate belt" they aid in transfering people who are very fragile. They give you something to hang on to other then the person. He has a few and you are welcome to one.
Amy we love you keep fighting and we will keep praying.
Teri and Steve U
Amy & Vince,

As one of the promotors for the Pizza Hut fundraiser here in Iowa, I am thrilled beyond words at the way God is spreading the word. To Him be the glory.

You make mention in this entry of the "firm" that donations from this fundraiser are being directed toward. You may want to clarify that this firm is actually Helping Hands Ministry, which is a link right off from this site.

You may also want to direct our audience to the fact that, in lieu of participating in the Pizza Hut fundraiser, they can make an outright donation to HHM simply by filling out and sending the donation form (which is also linked on this site) along with their donation. While we are encouraged by the potential impact being generated through Pizza Hut, we should state that they will be donating A PORTION of sales proceeds to the fund - - while an outright donation to HHM will result in close to 100% of those funds being directed to Amy's fund, with a tax-deductible benefit given to the donor.

Continuing to pray - to Him be the glory,
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