Monday, December 11, 2006
Philippians 4:11(b) - I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
In the devotional that I am reading, they expounded upon the above verse this way. ‘I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens to me.’ We are all extremely blessed, think about it. When was the last time you had to make a choice between gas for the car and food for the table? Even at that, you’re blessed enough to have a car and a table to even make a choice over. The very air that all of us draw into our lungs is a blessing from God. Each breath, each heartbeat, our children and even the very Sun which rises and sets day after day…all blessings from our heavenly father. The next time you drive through the bluffs, I challenge you to not find blessing in the beauty of God’s creation in the rolling of the hills or the colors of the trees.
What if God’s only gift…only blessing to you were His grace to save you? You beg Him to keep your business afloat, we plead with Him to make our sick children well, I’ve implored Him to reach down His healing hand and remove the cancer from my wife’s chemo and radiation abused body. What if His answer is, ‘My grace is enough.’ Would you be content? If God did nothing more than send His ONLY son (who was abused, beaten, whipped, spat upon and crucified upon a cross) to save you from the fiery torments of hell, should anyone complain?
You see, from heaven’s perspective, grace IS enough. Having been given eternal life, dare we grumble at an aching body? Having been promised a storehouse of riches in heaven where nothing will perish, do we dare bemoan earthly poverty, which is only for a season?
I know it’s tough, believe me, I have…am…living it. Contentment, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: 1. Quietly satisfied and happy – reasonably happy and satisfied with the way things are. 2. Ready to accept something – willing to accept or comply with a situation or course of action. I would not say that the first definition is where I am at right now. Truth be told, I am not reasonably happy or satisfied, however I also am not angry or spiteful. Right now, my contentment is much more like the second definition. I have had many people tell me that I have a right to be angry about this…I don’t think so. Upset, sad, heartbroken, longing after, yes. But to actually be angry with God? Isn’t that tantamount to saying that His plan isn’t perfect? That He made a mistake? And if I believe He makes mistakes, what does that say about my faith?
If you have the means to be reading these words, or the hands to type a response, not to mention having the eyesight and knowledge to read these words, hasn’t God already given you grace pilled upon grace?
For the love of Amy - V
In the devotional that I am reading, they expounded upon the above verse this way. ‘I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens to me.’ We are all extremely blessed, think about it. When was the last time you had to make a choice between gas for the car and food for the table? Even at that, you’re blessed enough to have a car and a table to even make a choice over. The very air that all of us draw into our lungs is a blessing from God. Each breath, each heartbeat, our children and even the very Sun which rises and sets day after day…all blessings from our heavenly father. The next time you drive through the bluffs, I challenge you to not find blessing in the beauty of God’s creation in the rolling of the hills or the colors of the trees.
What if God’s only gift…only blessing to you were His grace to save you? You beg Him to keep your business afloat, we plead with Him to make our sick children well, I’ve implored Him to reach down His healing hand and remove the cancer from my wife’s chemo and radiation abused body. What if His answer is, ‘My grace is enough.’ Would you be content? If God did nothing more than send His ONLY son (who was abused, beaten, whipped, spat upon and crucified upon a cross) to save you from the fiery torments of hell, should anyone complain?
You see, from heaven’s perspective, grace IS enough. Having been given eternal life, dare we grumble at an aching body? Having been promised a storehouse of riches in heaven where nothing will perish, do we dare bemoan earthly poverty, which is only for a season?
I know it’s tough, believe me, I have…am…living it. Contentment, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: 1. Quietly satisfied and happy – reasonably happy and satisfied with the way things are. 2. Ready to accept something – willing to accept or comply with a situation or course of action. I would not say that the first definition is where I am at right now. Truth be told, I am not reasonably happy or satisfied, however I also am not angry or spiteful. Right now, my contentment is much more like the second definition. I have had many people tell me that I have a right to be angry about this…I don’t think so. Upset, sad, heartbroken, longing after, yes. But to actually be angry with God? Isn’t that tantamount to saying that His plan isn’t perfect? That He made a mistake? And if I believe He makes mistakes, what does that say about my faith?
If you have the means to be reading these words, or the hands to type a response, not to mention having the eyesight and knowledge to read these words, hasn’t God already given you grace pilled upon grace?
For the love of Amy - V
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Dearest, YES Yes YES to all...but since when did we humans do what we're suppose to do? the real cool thing I marvel over is He knew what kind of a gift He was entrusting to us! and whom He was leaving it to! And He still did it! But yes Grace is one of my favorite words! the word from our sisters was all Good when they that is Grace too! now standing toe toe with God, don't know baby Brother, that might be meddling there..ha:) ha:)when He took our Mama to be with Him. I'm so happy, as if you wouldn't..listen with your heart when it came time to hang all of the stocking! I'm so proud of sweet Vince! give all of your babies a big hug from their aunt debbie! be kind to yourself! i love you always! debbie
Do you remember that acronym?
G od's
R iches
A t
C hrist
E xspense !!!
Somehow, it all leads back to Grace/the Cross!!!
Some days I ponder what Amy's doing @ the feet of Jesus?!!! Don't You? ;)
xo Denise
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G od's
R iches
A t
C hrist
E xspense !!!
Somehow, it all leads back to Grace/the Cross!!!
Some days I ponder what Amy's doing @ the feet of Jesus?!!! Don't You? ;)
xo Denise
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