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Saturday, January 27, 2007


If size meant a thing, a cow could out run a jackrabbit

It’s been a few days since I’ve entered a posting. Time just sometimes gets away and when the day is done and the kids are all in bed and the house is all quite, sometimes I’m just not up to the task. The benefit is moving along nicely and businesses as far away as Iowa have donated items for the auction. We have started gathering the donations and have started the process of taking pictures of the items to place here on the blog. I hope to have them up in the next couple of days!

Saturday I spent in Elroy with Trevor and the rest of his basketball team at a tournament. These boys were sorely outmatched and lost 4 of the 4 games that they played. If games were won and scored upon heart, our boys would win hands down, but we all know that’s not the case. The issue is, the boys just aren’t very tall or big when compared with the other teams and in a sport where height and size have a distinct advantage, heart just doesn’t win out.

I’m SO glad that God doesn’t work that way. Look at Noah for example. Here is the only man on the face of the earth (during his time) who God deemed as righteous and worthy of sparing. We have this lone man, and his sons, set to the huge task of building this ridiculously large boat and I’m sure that at times, Noah felt overwhelmed and outsized for the task. Noah persevered and through his obedience, saved not only his family, but the entire human race as well. David is another prime example; When he was young, long before he became king, David came face to face with a giant of a man who was called Goliath. Goliath stood about 9’ 6” tall and was a champion and a true warrior and all the rest of the Israelite army were terrified of him! Then along comes David, he really just showed up at the camp to bring his brothers some food and supplies and before you know it, David takes 5 smooth stones and with his sling, and with Goliath and the entire Palestine army laughing, strikes Goliath square in the forehead, knocking him out and David finishes him with his own sword.

Two men, both facing huge obstacles and seemingly impossible odds. They both had two things going for them that ensured their success; Faith and Obedience. Faith to believe it could be done and obedience to act on that faith.

On God’s team physical stature doesn’t matter, weight, strength, sight, appearance and yes even impairment doesn’t matter. God has a purpose and a place for each and everyone of us, we just need to get in the game.

For the love of Amy - V

Hey Vince,

I like the jackrabbit/cow comparison. The other team knows what you're talking about. They sure grow them tall in Marshfield. We're proud of our Baraboo boys!! See you guys on Sunday.

Because of your,Mom's/my shared love for teaching/education; ,sometimes your, Mom+I would talk about how hard it is for our society to find the important, healthy balance between ,character building while enjoying sports!!!
I heard a youth Pastor teaching about this very topic the other day!!!
He has a college degree in sports phychology/coaching!....he tells parents," I want your child to do their best...but their prob. not going to end up in the teach them to set their priorities in life ...NOW!!! "
I just thought that was soooo important!!
God teaches us that ,He has given us these things to enjoy....But, honestly, I've seen some wacko--
parents @ Ben's soccer games....I'm not the final Judge, but,I think their priorities might be out a little messed up!!!.
Trev, all of Auntie "Neice's yadda-yadda to say,
Uncle Randy+ I are lookin' forward to seeing you
this wkend!! ;) ...and we'll be specifically prayin'
for your b/ball team!!! ;) Keep doin' YOUR best!!!
That's ALL God asks!!!
xoAunt Denise+Uncle Randy
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